About me


Hi there! I’m Angela. The health and wellness blogger and writer behind Guided Wellness. I know first-hand how busy life can get and want to assure you that it is possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle on top of life’s demands. I have a challenging career as a Chartered Professional Accountant. A full time career that I juggle in addition to my role as a wife to my amazing husband and high-school sweetheart. I am the proud mother to four amazing kids; Valentina (age 13), Alessio (age 11), Santino (age 9) and Massimo (age 7). Our busy schedules can often lead to damaging habits and sometimes we just need a nudge in the right direction. I am fortunate that my husband and I share the same passion for living a healthy balanced lifestyle, which for us, means living as close as nature intended. Guided Wellness is a vehicle to share what that means to me and my family in the hope that you will also be inspired to follow me on the path to wellness. I cannot tell you how to think, but I hope that I can give you something to think about.

When I am not in the office or cooking up a storm in the kitchen you can find me outside exploring and enjoying nature with my kids, chasing after a chicken that escaped from our barn fence or enjoying a glass of wine with my husband on the back porch. I enjoy morning workouts, pizza and the beach (not necessarily in that order!).

I believe in a WHOLE wellness approach to life. In my opinion, that includes not only choosing healthy foods to fuel my body but also choosing to keep my body active and nourishing my mind and spirit. Thank you for being here to share the journey with me. I am always learning and growing and strive to be a better version of myself each day.


"Make time...not excuses!"



I started my wellness journey together with my husband over 10 years ago and we haven’t looked back since. It was very overwhelming for us in the beginning and even harder to explain our choices to our family and friends. We felt isolated at times as we began a different path than those around us. But after a few weeks it became easier and I started to feel a sense of accomplishment from sticking to it and being an individual.

By sharing my journey to wellness my goal is to inspire you to live a healthier life for yourself and be an example to those around you. Your journey to wellness starts here with tips and tricks on how to improve your mental and physical well-being, sharing healthy recipes, offering natural and DIY alternatives to everyday products, fitness tips and more.


My approach to nutrition is sticking with whole foods as much as possible and using quality, “good for you” ingredients that fuel and nourish your body and mind. In our house we choose to refrain from processed foods and practice moderation, not deprivation.

Guided Wellness is a vehicle for me to share delicious and nutritious recipes as well as offer healthy alternatives to your favorite dishes. I love to share my go-to weekday meals and meal prep strategies for busy families looking to get a healthy dinner on the table.


Staying active is important for your physical and mental well-being. There are countless ways to get your body moving and while you don’t need hours in the day or a gym membership, you will need a bit of discipline!

I love experimenting with different exercises and varying my fitness routine to challenge my body and maintain results. I want to share my experiences with you and encourage you to get moving and have fun!

fitness pic


Please note that I am not a doctor, registered nutritionist or personal trainer. I am passionate about health and wellness with a desire to provide useful information to help you on your journey to living a healthier more natural lifestyle. I am only sharing my opinions and experiences, the rest is up to you. Please consult with a physician before making any changes to your diet and fitness goals. The information on this website is for informational purposes only. You understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your use of information provided on this website. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

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